Episode 412 – PS/SS Chapter 11, Quidditch: All Hail, Lee Jordan
A relatively short chapter about Quidditch sets the stage for the entire series. To find out how, join hosts Asher, Geoff, Tracy and special returning summer guest Brett Ball of bretts.thoughts as they discuss Chapter 11 of "Philosopher's/Sorcerer's Stone."
Episode 397 – PS/SS Chapter 14, The Norwegian Ridgeback: Ring of Grime
According to our hosts, chapter 14 of Philosopher's Stone is a bathroom read. Do you agree? Join hosts Asher, Bianca, Josh, and guest Matthew as they discuss The Norwegian Ridgeback.
Episode 382 – PS/SS Chapter 8, The Potions Master: Farm to Table Coordinator
Chapter 8 of "Philosopher's/Sorcerer's Stone" may be a short chapter but it does make for a rambunctious episode! Join hosts Asher, Bianca, Rex and guest Lisa, as they discuss the Potions Master.
Episode 374 – PS/SS Chapter 2, The Vanishing Glass: Magical Puberty
Prologues, second chapters, and snakes – we haven't discussed Chapter Two of "Philosopher's Stone" since the very beginning. Join hosts Alison, Geoff, Tracy, and guest David for a trip back to The Vanishing Glass.
Episode 362 – PS/SS 13, Nicolas Flamel: Thestral Ballet
We have a lot to say about Thestrals in this discussion of Chapter 13 of "Philosopher's/Sorcerer's Stone!" Join hosts Alison, Rex, Sam and guest Melanie from the podcast Dialogue Alley as they discuss this rousing chapter.
Episode 330 – PS/SS, 7 The Sorting Hat Revisit: It’s Hogwarts, Not Harshwarts
Gryffindor or Slytherin? It is Harry's first day at Hogwarts, and he and the Sorting Hat have an essential decision to make. Join hosts Aurelia Lieb, Kat Miller, and Swish and Flick guests Tiffany and Katie as they discuss sorting at Hogwarts.
Episode 308 – PS/SS, 10 Revisit: No Inflated Bladders
Ron and Harry start Halloween fresh from their adventure with Fluffy, and Harry is surprised with a Nimbus Two Thousand. Join hosts Grace, Rex, and Tracy along with guest Geoff as they fly into Chapter 10 of Philosopher’s/Sorcerer’s Stone, “Halloween.”
Episode 280 – PS/SS, 9 Revisit: Talk to the (Broken) Hand
We're going way back to the beginning and settling in to life at Hogwarts as Harry and the first year Gryffindors have their first flying lesson with the Slytherins and somehow find themselves in a forbidden corridor past midnight.