Episode 308 – PS/SS, 10 Revisit: No Inflated Bladders
Ron and Harry start Halloween fresh from their adventure with Fluffy, and Harry is surprised with a Nimbus Two Thousand. He learns Quidditch from Oliver Wood and manages to upset Hermione, but it doesn’t take long for events to unravel that will cement the golden trio’s friendship forever. Join hosts Grace, Rex, and Tracy along with guest Geoff as they fly into Chapter 10 of Philosopher’s/Sorcerer’s Stone, “Halloween.”
On Episode 308 we discuss…
→ Harry & Ron = The Chaos Crew
→ Neville has “zero positive male role models that aren’t trying to dangle him out of a window”
→ Harry’s privileged broom
→ Caps lock McGonagall
→ We finally learn what the heck Quidditch is!
→ Only 28 kids per year get to play the one wizard sport at school… that’s messed up
→ Don’t judge people by their physical appearance, mkay?
→ When does wand movement really matter?
→ How successful would a witch/wizard with a lisp be?
→ Ron… stop being rude!
→ Why did none of the teachers wonder where Hermione was?
→ Hermione could have been another Moaning Myrtle!
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