Meet the Team
The team behind Alohomora! podcast have collectively worked in fandom for over seventy-five years.
That’s a lot of brainpower. You would think that producing, hosting, and editing a podcast with that many years of Potter experience would be easy. You would be right. No, just kidding. The team makes it look easy, but it’s not. They do have a lot of fun though! Want to know more about their mundane Muggle lives? All the boring details are below.
They may be gone, but they live on via your headphones.
Aurelia (2020–2022)
Beth (2017–2020)
Caleb (2012–2017)
Eric (2013–2018)
Irvin (2019–2022)
Kristen (2014–2016)
Laura (2012–2014)
Michael (2013–2019)
Noah (co-creator, 2012–2015)
Rex (2021–2023)
Rosie (2012–2020)
Sam (2020–2022)