Tell Us Your Top Alohomora Moments!
As we make our way through the Final 100 episodes, we want to celebrate the long and storied history of the podcast by counting down our top moments so we want you, the listeners, to tell us which moments were your favorite!
Episode 332 – OOTP, 18 Dumbledore’s Army Revisit: Honing in on the Voldymind
It's the first official meeting of the DA, but this chapter is full of so much more than that! Animal abuse, quidditch, Tom, and well-dressed house elves are not to be overlooked. Join hosts Grace, Irvin, and Katy along with special guest host Hannah Elsy, producer of the highly acclaimed play "Dumbledore is so Gay," as they discuss both the…
Episode 327 – Astrology: Virgo Aftertaste
Grab your telescopes and notebooks, it's time for Astrology class! Join hosts Grace, Tracy, and Kat along with professional astrologer Maren Altman as they delve deep into the zodiac of your favorite characters.
Episode 326 – HBP, 2 Revisit: Timetable of Lies
"Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive!" Join hosts Alison, Irvin, Kat and returning guest Josh as they listen to Snape masterfully spin his tales for the Black sisters in Half-Blood Prince Chapter 2, "Spinner's End."
Episode 324 – OotP, 36 Revisit: Snaps for Williamson
Sirius has just died and Harry is feeling ALL of the feelings. He chases Bellatrix, witnesses the epic battle between Dumbledore and Voldemort, and gets possessed by his nemesis. Best of all, Fudge has to admit that Voldemort is back.
Episode 323 – Fairytales: Lockhart is Gaston
Fairytales are the basis for all fantasy, therefore they must relate to Potter. Put on your jammies and let Alison, Aurelia, and Tracy tell you a story about all of the fascinating ways they're connected.
Episode 322 – CoS, 15 Revisit: Selfies with Fang
What do you do when your headmaster has been suspended, your adult best friend has been thrown in prison, and your other best friend has been petrified? You follow the only clue you have. Come along with hosts Aurelia, Grace, Sam and guest host Margarete as they follow the butterf... er, I mean spiders into Chamber of Secrets Chapter 15.
Episode 321 – Horace Slughorn: Chugging a Gallon of Golden Potion
This is your invitation to the Slug Club with hosts Aurelia, Grace, Tracy, and returning guest Taavi. We have memories and Horcruxes, Felix Felicis, acceptance of muggleborns, the Sacred 28, Slytherins, and networking on the menu.