Chapter Revisit,  Half-Blood Prince

Episode 326 – HBP, 2 Revisit: Timetable of Lies

“Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive!” Join hosts Alison, Irvin, Kat and returning guest Josh as they listen to Snape masterfully spin his tales for the Black sisters in Half-Blood Prince Chapter 2, “Spinner’s End.”


On Episode 326 we discuss…

→ The only chapter 2 that’s not from Harry’s POV
→ What line of work was Snape’s father in?
→ Possible early clues that Snape was the Half-Blood Prince
→ So much booze in this book!
→ Humanizing Narcissa – the Lady of the Lake
→ Bella’s scrap of love
→ Who is the spinner and what is their end?
→ The unbreakable vow: manipulation or desperation?
→ Sev and Pete, the expert door listeners, spying on each other
→ Death Eaters love to gossip
→ Snape – the best lie detector faker of all time and devastating with his comebacks
→ Fleeting, yet unexpected sympathy for Snape

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