Episode 295 – Pets: What the Fawkes?
What do we love even more than the Potter characters themselves? Their pets! Join Alison, Irvin, new host Grace, and biologist guest host Jason as they “ewww” and “awww” over these furry, feathery, slimy, and prickly companions.
On Episode 295 we discuss…
→ How did Ron get away with bringing a rat to school, anyway?
→ Are magical pets a reflection of their owners? OMG YES
→ “Errol’s going to outlive them all.”
→ Crackpot theories about Crookshanks and Mrs. Norris
→ Amphibious metamorphosis and how it compares to Neville
→ How phoenixes are like jellyfish… and hipsters
→ “In the Harry Potter universe, rabbits exist only to die.”
→ Snakes, spiders, and creepers, oh my!
→ “I think Voldemort is the best pet owner.”
→ Why do Squibs and cats get along so well?
→ Fang is a heckin’ good boy – 14/10 would cuddle
→ Pygmy Puffs are THE CUTEST… but, BOGIE EATERS?!?
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