Episode 274 – PoA, 18 Revisit: Society Killed the Potters
In one of the many chapters that make up the climax of the third installment of Harry’s story, we get a lot of backstory that raises a lot of questions. Join hosts Michael, Irvin, and Alison with guest host Genevieve of the Alohomora! social media team as they dive into the complicated components of magic and secrets that formed the Marauders.
On Episode 274 we discuss…
→ Starting in the middle
→ Is it foreshadowing or a happy coincidence?
→ Strap in for a lot of Lupin Love
→ Dumbledore’s plan and wizarding community selective amnesia
→ The details of werewolf habits and contamination
→ Being an Animagi is complicated and gross
→ Should Lupin take some of the blame for Peter’s betrayal?
→ Everybody in these books needs therapy, but mostly Lupin
→ This chapter is not visually appealing, or, lessons from the Michael Harle School of Film
→ Trying to answer age old questions about the Marauder’s Map
→ Animagi gone bad!
→ OGM everywhere
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