Introducing “Alohomora!: Full Circle”
After years of requests from our loyal listeners begging us to start another re-read, we are very happy to introduce "Alohomora!: Full Circle."
Alohomora’s Statement of Unity
We want all listeners to know that this is a safe space for them to join with other "Potter" fans and revel in the world of magic that exists within each fan’s heart.
Alohomora! Playlists on Spotify!
Don't feel intimidated jumping into a podcast with nearly 300 episodes. Launch one of our many binge-worthy, easily-digestible playlists on Spotify to enjoy Alohomora in chunks!
Sorcerer’s/Philosopher’s Stone Global Movie Watch & Live Show
It is time to round out our journey by going back to where we started: Harry's first year at Hogwarts.
Deathly Hallows – Part 2 Global Movie Watch & Live Show
After over four years, 198 Chapters, 1 Epilogue, and 188 episodes, Alohomora! is preparing to host its eighth - and final - LIVE movie viewing and call-in show!
Our Post-Deathly Hallows Plans!
The time has come to reveal what we plan to do with the podcast once we finished Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows!
Deathly Hallows – Part 1 Global Movie Watch & Live Show
We may only be half way through Deathly Hallows the novel, but we can't WAIT to watch & discuss Deathly Hallows - Part One with all of our amazing listeners.
Alohomora! Is Now on Patreon!
We are very happy to announce the launch of our Patreon page! Alohomora! has always been a free podcast and that will remain true right up to the very last page and beyond, but any support our audience provides to help us produce the show is greatly appreciated.