Our Smartphone App Has Arrived!
The Alohomora team is extremely excited to introduce our very new smartphone app! On this new App Page, you will find a 2-in-1 video. The fun begins with the team introducing the new app, followed up by THE VERY BEST (and very cheesy) promotional video ever!
With this smartphone app, you’ll be able to listen to low bandwidth (quicker to download) versions of the episode, read transcripts, watch exclusive interviews (some are already up from LeakyCon!), view vlogs from the hosts, enjoy bloopers, and listen to alternate endings… all from a single app!
The app is available in the Apple App Store and Android Market. Be sure to check herefor specific instructions on how to download.
We hope you enjoy this new app for the show! Feel free to use this news post for any feedback or questions, or e-mail us at alohomorapodcast@gmail.com!