Movie Watch

Episode 380 – Movie Watch: Sorcerer’s Stone Movie Commentary

We’ve made it to 380 episodes! To celebrate, we’re releasing our first, much requested, movie commentary episode. So pop in your DVD or favorite streaming service and settle in to watch Sorcerer’s Stone with hosts Asher, Bianca, Kat, Shamanee, and Tracy.

On Episode 380 we discuss…

→ Porto’s hats
→ Operation “pig for slaughter” is a go
→ “I regret Lily’s death” – Google it
→ Why can’t they just pick up their brooms?
→ Oliver Wood, razzle-dazzle
→ Harry has a strong core
→ To drink unicorn blood
→ Quirrell’s study abroad opportunity

For more information about the podcast and to find out how to be on the show, check out our Be On The Show! page.

And as always, be sure to continue the discussion below!