Episode 283 – James & Lily: Eyes Guys
It’s time to discuss the most important characters who barely appear in the books, Lily and James Potter. Join Irvin, Rosie, returning guest host Aurelia Leib and our guest Sam Ommen as we examine Harry’s parents, their personalities, relationships and significant moments in the series.
On Episode 283 we discuss…
→ Is Lily Evans a Mary Sue?
→ Irvin recommends the “Lily Evans” web series by Apple Juice Productions
→ What was the turning point for Lily and James coming together?
→ Lily’s unusual inter-house friendship with Snape, and how much you can forgive your friends
→ Would Harry be spoiled if he had been raised by Lily and James?
→ Harry gets his bravery from James and his love from Lily… and so do Potter fans!
→ Ring theory: the Lily & James edition!
→ Why is it so hard for fans to forgive James Potter his transgressions against Snape?
→ James matured beyond his teenage years, while most of his peers didn’t
→ Everything about The Forest Again is beautiful and makes us cry!
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