Episode 177 – DH, 26: Inbetweenie
The planning is done, the anticipation is high. The time has come to break into Gringotts, one of the most secure places in the wizarding world, to retrieve another piece of Lord Voldemort’s encapsulated soul. Join hosts Rosie & Kat, special guest host Charlotte Graham, and fan guest Rebecca as they mutter unforgivable curses and tame a dragon, all while discussing Chapter 26 of Deathly Hallows, “Gringotts.”
On Episode 177 we discuss…
→ Episode 176 Recap: Why Do They Snap Wands Upon Death?; What else can destroy a Horcrux?; Is Harry truly the best choice for Godfather?; Was Teddy destined to be an orphan?
→ PQOTW Responses
→ The MacGyver of Wands
→ Why did Draco’s wand work so well for Harry?
→ Wandless = Factionless
→ Would the plan have worked if they didn’t wait so long to act?
→ How does the beaded bag still exist after the Thief’s Downfall?
→ Griphook is a tiny, short jerk
→ Question of the Week
→ Check out the Alohomora! store
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