Episode 138 – HBP, 20: Delight in Her Stuff
Curses and precious objects are filling our latest memories, and we’re counting Horcruxes. Join hosts Michael, Rosie, and Alison, along with guest host Sabrina (The Half Blood Princess on the main site) as they discuss chapter 20 of Half-Blood Prince, “Lord Voldemort’s Request.”
On Episode 138 we discuss…
→ Episode 137 Recap: Three parts to a whole; title choice brilliance; did the movie do a chapter better?; Harry’s perception of Dobby; house-elf healthcare
→ PQOTW Responses
→ The little things
→ Dumbledore is not happy
→ Horcruxes are adding up
→ Question of the Week
→ Check out the Alohomora! store
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