Episode 107 – OotP, 29: One Floo Over, Two Fly Out
Follow us into McGonagall’s office as she delves out some useful “Career Advice!” The James Potter and Severus Snape discussions from recent weeks are still quite hot, not unlike the flames of Umbridge’s fireplace that Harry travels through in this chapter, while Fred and George plan one last bang. Kat, Eric, Michael and special guest David discuss listener feedback, podcast questions of the week, and all the joy that is Chapter 29 of Order of the Phoenix.
On Episode 107 we discuss…
→ Episode 106 Recap: Sirius reflection, high school heirarchies and what if James had lived…?
→ PQOTW Responses
→ Troublesome troublemakers
→ Best friend’s sister
→ Harry’s Auror qualifications
→ Approval for whipping
→ Question of the Week
→ Check out the Alohomora! store
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