Episode 233 – PoA, 21 Revisit: Somewhere in Time
Snape's vindictiveness reaches an all-time high as he tries to convince the Minister for Magic that Sirius Black is, indeed, a murderer. Join hosts Beth, Eric, Katy and guest host Josh, as they try to understand the mechanics of "Hermione's Secret," chapter 21 of Prisoner of Azkaban.
Episode 227 – GoF, 23 Revisit: An Evening of Blunders and Broken Hearts
We're doing our best to have a good time at this dance, but the drama at Hogwarts may just turn this evening on its head. You've got a date with Alison, Katy, Michael and guest host, Howl, for a night full of magic and intrigue at "The Yule Ball," chapter 23 of Goblet of Fire.
Episode 224 – The Great Snape Debate: Dangerously Interesting
The most debated character in the Harry Potter series continues to incite controversy, even 20 years after his first appearance and 10 years after his death on the page. Join Katy and Michael, along with long-time listeners David (daveybjones999) and Jessica (MoodyHorcrux) as they reopen the Dumbledore on the "always" intriguing Potions Master, Severus Snape.
Episode 186 – DH, 35: State of Eternity
We've landed somewhere in the space between spaces, wherein lies all the answers to our last, lingering questions. Listen closely with Alison, Caleb, Michael and guest host Kyla, as Albus Dumbledore reveals all at "King's Cross," Chapter 35 of Deathly Hallows.
Podcast Question of the Week – Episode 186
It's time for Dumbledore and Snape to face the jury.
Episode 184 – DH, 33: Through Her Eyes
With death and destruction all around him, Harry flees the Great Hall of Hogwarts to delve into memories that will lead him to the end of the battle. Join hosts Kat, Michael, and Alison, with guest host Krystina, as they peer into the Pensieve of chapter 33, "The Prince's Tale."
Podcast Question of the Week – Episode 184
It's a simple one word line that has come to be synonymous with major Potter emotions. But what emotions are the characters feeling in this moment?
Episode 181 – DH, 30: Riding the Fence
Beware! Headmaster Snape is lurking in the shadows and Lord Voldemort is approaching. Fortify the castle along with Alison, Kat, Michael and special guest host Arjun Gupta (star of "The Magicians" and "How to Get Away with Murder") as they prepare for battle in chapter 30, "The Sacking of Severus Snape."