Episode 387- DH Chapter 15, The Goblin’s Revenge: Hangry Ron
There’s a lot of emotion building in Chapter 15 of Deathly Hallows. Join hosts Asher, Geoff, Tracy and guest DJ as they discuss the moment where Ron and Harry’s relationship changes forever.
On Episode 387 we discuss…
→ We are not a fishing podcast
→ Also not on Shark Tank
→ People just don’t go out and get tents
→ Grawp Pt. 2
→ Ronald Weasley and the checked privilege
→ Desk Pig all over again
→ Why did the Trio catch a pike of all things?
→ If Ron and Hermione’s relationship will stand the test of time
For more information about the podcast and to find out how to be on the show, check out our Be On The Show! page.
And as always, be sure to continue the discussion below!