Episode 31 – PoA, 19: The Many Motivations of Severus Snape
Episode 31 of Alohomora! is here! Listen in as hosts Noah, Caleb, Laura, and Eric explore Chapter 19 of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.
After listening, you can comment on this episode with other fans in our forums and browse hundreds of other discussions dealing with all things Harry Potter. Keep in mind, though, that we read our favourite fan comments on the show, and then invite forum users with the most intriguing comments to be guest hosts.
For more information about the podcast, to listen online and to find out how to be on the show, check out our Podcast page.
Don’t forget to leave us a voicemail at our phone number: 1-206-GO-ALBUS (462-5287)! Skype users can also send us a message to username AlohomoraMN! The voicemails will be played on the show for all to hear! So keep sending them in!