Episode 185 – DH, 34: One Foot Through the Veil
Finally with the whole truth, Harry walks through the castle to the Forest to meet his fate. Join hosts Caleb, Eric, and Kristen, with guest Katherine and hosts Kat and Alison stopping by as they cry their way through chapter 34, “The Forest Again.”
On Episode 185 we discuss…
→ Episode 184 Recap: The impact of Snape’s abusive childhood;Outward vs inward change; What would Lily say?
→ PQOTW Responses
→ The vulnerability of self-sacrifice
→ We’re all crying over the beautiful language
→ Can we forgive Dumbledore as easily as Harry?
→ Neville’s such a top bloke
→ Long term planning for the Resurrection Stone
→ What exactly comes from the Stone?
→ Harry becomes Master of Death
→ Question of the Week
→ Check out the Alohomora! store
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