Episode 270 – OotP, 1 Revisit: Literal Trash Wizard
UGH. It's time to go back to Privet Drive and suffer through Harry's worst summer yet. WHY IS LIFE SO UNFAIR? Hosts Michael, Rosie, Kat, and Editor Patrick keep Harry's temper in check as they revisit chapter 1 of Order of the Phoenix, "Dudley Demented."
Episode 253 – PoA, 5 Revisit: Go Away, Ginny!
It's September 1st and you know what that means: it's time to go back to Hogwarts! But this year's trip is unique in several ways. Join hosts Katy, Michael and Rosie along with guest host Kate as they discuss just how peculiar this journey is in Chapter 5 of Prizoner of Azkaban, "The Dementor."
Episode 65 – GoF, 27: The Little Spoon
FIELD TRIP!!! Put down that copy of Witch Weekly and head outdoors with Kat, Laura, Michael and special guest Alison (best known as Ali Wood on the forums) as they lead the way to Hogsmeade for a very chilly visit.